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大学英语教学最终目的是培养学生跨文化交际能力。而中国的外语教学长期以来受传统教学模式的影响,忽略了文化在教学中的作用和影响从而导致了学生跨文化意识薄弱,语用失误频现。该文探讨了如何通过构建起文化体验教学模式来进行系统地文化教学从而增强学生的跨文化意识,提高其跨文化交际能力,减少语用失误。  相似文献   
在市场化进程的初期阶段,政府不仅要履行政府一般职能,而且在市场力量薄弱,不能实现资源的有效配置时,承担特殊经济职能,这是当前阶段政府职能定位的客观基础.问题的关键是要对政府干预的目标、方式、力度以及政策工具的选择等方面作相应的调整,使其在弥补市场失灵的同时克服政府失灵.正如斯蒂格利茨所说,向市场经济过渡并不是要弱化而是要重新定义政府的作用.  相似文献   
中国足球界的信心危机及其归因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用心理学观点解释足球社会现象是一个新课题。从社会心理学的角度对中国足球群体心理特征作探索性研究 ,可以得出近年来中国足球界已经产生了信心危机的结论。  相似文献   
20世纪 30年代 ,苏联从本国利益出发 ,积极谋求建立欧洲集体安全体系 ,以消除纳粹德国侵略的威胁。然而 ,由于英法等西方民主国家缺乏诚意等原因 ,苏联的这一政策以失败而告终。通过对这些原因进行深入的分析 ,可以从中得出一些有益的经验教训  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONSincethebeginningofthe 1 990s,withtheincreasingawarenessoftheimportanceofenvi ronmentalprotectioninvariouscountries ,therehasemergeda″green″trendallovertheworld .Newconceptslikegreenfood ,greenappliance,greenfactoriesandsoonhaveemergedwithgrowin…  相似文献   
芟汉文化中都存在着大量的语言禁忌现象,在跨文化交际中,如果不注意两种文化的差异,就有可能出现语用失误,影响交际的顺利进行,本文通过对比分析英诒语言禁忌现象,探讨了建反语言禁忌导致语用失误的原因。  相似文献   
周键 《科研管理》2022,43(1):200-208
   “激情创业,理性行动”已成为创业实践领域的共识,也是提升创业成长水平的重要手段。基于“Affect-Behavior-Output”分析框架构建了创业激情对新创企业绩效作用机理模型,并分析失败事件学习在其中的调节作用。通过对225份创业者问卷数据分析结果显示:(1)创业激情有助于提升创业者的资源拼凑行为;(2)创业者的资源拼凑行为有助于提升新创企业的绩效表现,且创业资源拼凑行为在创业激情与新创企业绩效之间起到中介作用;(3)失败事件学习正向调节创业激情与创业资源拼凑以及创业资源拼凑与新创企业绩效之间的关系。  相似文献   
研究目的:研究把运动员的害怕失败作为中介变量,探索感知的教练员领导行为对运动员心理疲劳影响的解释机制,并着重观察运动员所感知的教练员民主领导行为和专制领导行为的不同作用影响。研究方法:在全国范围内采用随机抽样法,让处于不同项目和不同等级的347名(男性为173人;女性为174)专业运动员完成“运动领导行为量表”、“失败表现评估量表”以及“运动员心理疲劳问卷”,所获数据采用回归和Bootstrap分析,分别对构建的民主领导行为解释假设模型和专制领导行为解释假设模型进行拟合。研究结果:①感知教练员民主领导行为会显著减少运动员的心理疲劳感,而知教练员专制领导行为则会显著增加运动员的心理疲劳;②感知教练员民主领导行为与运动员害怕失败不存在显著相关性,而感知教练员专制领导行为则会显著增加运动员的害怕失败;③由于感知教练员民主领导行为与运动员的害怕失败不具有显著相关性,因此害怕失败在民主领导行为假设模型中的中介解释作用假设不成立;④由于感知教练员专制型领导行为会显著增加运动员害怕失败,所以害怕失败在专制领导行为假设模型中的中介解释作用假设成立。研究结论:通过对运动员所感知到的两种教练员领导行为进行观察,可以发现专制型领导行为对运动员的负面情绪影响是多方面的。它不仅会在训练和比赛的过程中直接引起运动员的心理疲劳,还会通过运动员害怕失败感的叠加效应来增加其心理疲劳。因此,研究建议在运动实践中应该提倡教练员有计划性的多采用民主型的领导行为帮助运动员有效的减少心理疲劳。  相似文献   
Despite the Mental Health Foundation (2012 Mental Health Foundation. 2012. Mental Health Statistics. http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk. [Google Scholar]) stating that each year, one in four people in the United Kingdom (UK) will have some kind of mental health difficulty, students from this group are underrepresented in further education (FE) colleges. In light of this, the purpose of this exploratory research, which was rooted in the phenomenological paradigm, was to investigate the barriers to classroom learning that existed among adult students who had severe and enduring mental health difficulties, as well as how they perceived that these could be overcome. With the aim of foregrounding the learners’ voices, five students from a cookery course, set up specifically for this target group, were studied using a case-study approach. The results revealed that there were many fears connected with the learning process, particularly in relation to failure and relapse, as well as how the teacher would treat them. The actual process of affording these vulnerable students a unique opportunity to be heard raised both ethical and methodological dilemmas, which have implications for future work among this group of students. However, the results also revealed that once the barriers were overcome, their learning had a significant impact not just on their cookery skills, but on their lives as a whole. This study concludes by suggesting that colleges need to purposely educate and support teachers in how best to work with such students and that more research be carried out among this group of vulnerable students.  相似文献   
This paper looks at current research into how thinking influences learning. How people explain to themselves why they fail and succeed inevitably impacts on how well they learn new skills. Researchers have been developing attribution retraining programmes targeted at improving student academic achievement and learning experience through the promotion of positive thinking. These findings can often be found in scientific psychological journals far removed from the educational practitioners and learning environments they attempt to influence. This paper introduces the educational practitioner to the principles underlying attribution theory. The potential benefits of incorporating attribution retraining programmes into the school curriculum are then outlined and the future of this area for both researchers and educational psychologists alike is discussed.  相似文献   
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